Camel milk and Miraa products
About the Project
Research Summary and Technology
Camel milk and Miraa products
About the Researcher
Prof. Joshua Arimi is currently an Associate Professor in Food Science from the year 2022, heading the centre of excellence in camel research at Meru University of Science and Technology (MUST), Kenya. Arimi obtained his PhD and M.Agr.Sci in 2009 and 2005 respectively. He holds another MSc degree in Post-harvest and Food Preservation Engineering from KU, Leuven, Belgium (2003) and BSc degree from JKUAT (2000), Kenya. He has previously served as Director of Research (2013-2015, MUST, Dean School of Agriculture and Food Science MUST(2015-2020). Current research relates to harnessing the potential of camels by processing and commercializing innovative products from camel milk and meat products
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