Smart metering solution designed to revolutionize how industries and commercial buildings monitor and manage their electricity consumption.
Research Summary and Technology
Umeme Sense is an innovative smart metering solution designed to revolutionize how industries and commercial buildings monitor and manage their electricity consumption. It makes use of cutting-edge technology to help industries draw more insights into facility energy consumption and potential environmental impact. Our device aims to provide detailed insights, improve efficiency, and contribute to sustainability efforts in industrial environments. Umeme Sense is equipped with features such as Real-time and Remote Monitoring, Load Scheduling and Load Shedding, Historical Data Monitoring and Feedback Mechanisms, Carbon Emissions Tracking and Renewable Energy Integration that make it suitable for modern industries. Umeme Sense helps users to make sense of their electricity consumption for a more sustainable future.
WIPO IP Diagnostic Tool
WIPO IP Diagnostics is a free, intellectual property (IP) self-assessment tool that helps businesses identify their IP assets.
After you complete a section, a report that gives you recommendations and further information on IP and business competitiveness will be generated.