Mr. Isaiah Odak Onyango
Co-Founder - Wable Maji Safi Solutions
Mr. Isaiah Odak Onyango

Smart Water ATM - Your Gateway to Clean Water!

About the Project

Research Summary and Technology

A Smart Water ATM that revolutionizes access to clean and safe drinking water. The M-Safi ATM is unique as it integrates mobile money payment, specifically M-Pesa, providing a convenient and efficient payment method for users. Unlike traditional systems, there are no tokens or token administration, saving both the utility provider and the end-users. This real-time Pay-As-You-Go Service ensures improved and accountable revenue collection for the utility provider, while giving users control over their payments. This innovation addresses the critical water access issues, promotes sustainable practices, empowers communities, and fosters social and economic development.​

Images Mr. Isaiah Odak Onyango's Innovation
Mr. Isaiah Odak Onyango's Innovation

About the Researcher

Mr. Isaiah is a Co-Founder of and, and an experienced Theatre Director and Artivist with a diverse background in Community arts, technology, and humanity. He has achieved a Bachelor's degree in Theatre and Education (BTh with Honours) from the renowned Utrecht School of Arts (HKU) in the Netherlands, specializing in Scenography, Arts Management, and Community Development. Further advancing his expertise, he pursued an Erasmus MA in Theatre & Politics at the University of Hildesheim in Germany, and possess additional knowledge in Natural Resource Management and Strategy.

WIPO IP Diagnostic Tool

WIPO IP Diagnostics is a free, intellectual property (IP) self-assessment tool that helps businesses identify their IP assets.
After you complete a section, a report that gives you recommendations and further information on IP and business competitiveness will be generated.